
directions for the MTR

step 1

figure out where you are going.

step 2

wait in line with the other thousands. both of these are places to wait. the ones with the glass are newer. the older ones are quite scary as the MTR comes racing through.

step 3

people watch.

step 4

remember that mcdonalds rules the world. and here's why.

step 6

eat your icecream before you get on the MTR (with your finger) or pay a fine.


  1. It makes me laugh so hard that you took a zoomed in picture of what that person was drawing :)

  2. pay a fine for eating ice cream?! those commies!

    (wait, they are commies...)

  3. no, they may actually be more democratic than the states. andy, she drew that in like 16.4 seconds. i think she was trying to impress me.


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